[A realisation] "You cannot fail". king's circle postgame roadtotenthousand Jul 31, 2024

King's Circle 26 Post-Game: My Reflections, Lessons and Themes.


This post is a reflection of my thoughts and highlights from King's Circle 26.


  • Technology connects me from Guatemala to South Africa, Belgium and beyond.
  • Ten...
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Your nervousness determines your net worth business first 4% vocation Nov 17, 2023

What does it mean to be wealthy?


This question has had different answers for me as I've grown.

Fifteen years ago, wealth was money, cash in the bank. The more, the better.

Then, I had a "midlife realignment" and would have said, "Real...

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Overly positive men are untrustworthy Dec 31, 2022

We move through life by running various strategies. These are the default programs we use to connect, feel safe and get things done. Give and receive love.

Social norms, parents or past successes create stories about "how things are done around...

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How to Engineer a Breakthrough Oct 06, 2022

Have you ever had that feeling in a book when you read something that clicks?

A breakthrough.

Something that seemed impossible now has a pathway and potential.

A new connection.

Ned, my inner CEO, loves that shit! It's that feeling of possibility...

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What to do when scenario planning for the end of the world feels overwhelming. lifestyle design men mens work podcast vocation Jun 09, 2022

Have you seen headlines or looked at the news about food shortages and collapsing global supply chains?
How prepared are you?
How dependent are you on those supply chains for what you and your family need to survive?

Scenario planning is the role of...

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10 Ways Podcasts Make You a Better Man lifestyle design men mens work podcast Apr 02, 2022

The idea for this post came from our friends over at The Art of Manliness. Our brand has been through an evolution, and our new direction is to create content and experiences that support men to show up in the world as their most...

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Why men struggle with The Law of Attraction. law of attraction lifestyle design men visualisation Mar 24, 2022

I was exposed to The Law of Attraction numerous times over a few years and completely ignored it. I even remember seeing a book with a black cover and red stamp called "The Secret" when it was released, and despite being intrigued, I never read...

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"We wake up when we're ready to" - our organisation's evolution journey into men's work. business men mens work vocation Mar 17, 2022


This is a story about our creative project going through an important evolution. 


2021 was a journey into the depths. A time to ask some deep questions and to be honest about our direction.


Matt and I spent time with our...

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