Call To Courage

An Exclusive Retreat for Heart-Led Visionaries and Mission-Driven Men

NEW DATES: 24 - 29 March 2025.
Lake Atitlan Guatemala.




You’ve climbed the mountain tops and taken in the views.
You’ve earned it!


But deep down, you know you’re not done, not even close. Not only can you feel it, but you also see it in the distance. A higher peak that’s been calling you for some time now, and you’ve been putting off…until today.


The world has been shaped by leaders like you, who have a mission to complete before you return to dust. You proudly play the roles of successful entrepreneur, devoted husband, caring father, committed leader, and lover of nature, but something greater is being asked of you.


The world needs visionary leaders, men committed to creating the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. 

We're calling in men who have the courage to be trailblazers, follow their hearts, and live their lives with passion and inspiration.


Are you one of us?

Hell Yeah, Let’s Go!

This Is For You If:

You're in your prime years, but you feel like there's a void in your life, which creates a restlessness that gnaws at you.

Your success is undeniable, yet there's a nagging sense of unfulfillment lingering in the background.

The responsibilities of running a business, being a husband, and raising a family have left little room for your passions, adventures and personal growth.

Your once vibrant marriage feels like it's lost a bit of its sizzle, and you're ready to reignite that flame.

Despite your achievements, you don't feel as alive or present as you want to, and you hunger for more.

You know that you still have much to offer the world, but you sense that something needs to shift for you to be able to bring these gifts.

You can get it shit done on your own, but you understand the importance of surrounding yourself with other courageous men to catapult you forward.

Trailblazers move faster than their doubts and fears.

Climbing your next peak doesn’t require knowing exactly how to get there; it only requires courage to take the next step, even when your next step is unknown.


I'm Ready To Take The Next Step

What Awaits You In Guatemala ...


Welcome to Your Journey of Renewal:

Join us for a luxurious, exclusive retreat nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Here, you'll shed the weight of expectations and slow down so your system can rest. 

Reconnect To Your Mission:


It's time to play, explore, and embrace the full spectrum of the human experience among wild and stunning nature. You'll awaken dormant passions and unlock a flood of inspiration through invigorating activities, heartfelt conversations, and transformative workshops.

Forge Lifelong Bonds:


Connect with a tribe of like-minded men [Max 10 men] who understand your journey intimately. Share stories, laughter, and tears as you build authentic relationships grounded in mutual support and respect.

Fire Circle, Ritual & Plant Teachers:

Access and amplify your truth under the guidance of San Pedro, Cacao, ancient rituals, and meaningful conversations under the stars and around the fire.

Embrace Your Next Summit:


Using play, silence, and exploration, you will hear where life is calling you next. With this clarity and the support from the men on this retreat, you'll have the confidence, courage and inspiration to tackle your next adventure. 

Reclaim Your Vitality:


You need to be at full power to serve your new mission, live boldly, love fiercely, and lead wholeheartedly.

These six days will recharge your batteries so you can access your unlimited life force as you return home, ready to tackle life's challenges with renewed vigour.

Experience Outline: 

March 24th: Grounding & Settling In.


As you arrive on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, life slows down. Demands for your attention decrease, and you start to feel more spacious. You will settle into our luxurious lake-front villa and meet and connect with your fellow mission-driven visionaries. Our opening circle will create the container for our time together, and around the fire, you will set your intentions for the retreat.


March 25th: Power Management.

After our morning movement practice, we examine the theme of power and workshop where you're leaking power in your life. 

What you'll learn:

  • Where you've given your power away and a process to reclaim it.
  • The role of the trailblazer and how to incorporate this archetype to live a more fulfilling life.
  • The process of aligning your energy with your goals.

March 26th: Removing Barriers.

An open heart is an open mind. Day three takes us onto the lake, where you learn how manifesting your dreams requires removing any barriers to your success. Limiting beliefs, old sabotaging patterns, and bad habits are all identified and integrated so that you can easily step onto your new timeline.

What you'll learn:

  • A framework to identify and track the shadows that keep you stuck.
  • To recognise and honour your father, no matter what relationship you had with him.
  • A framework to reconnect with the wisdom of your emotional body so that you can manage your energy and stop any leaks.

March 27th: Calling in Allies.

San Pedro is a cactus and plant medicine native to the Americas. It's also known as the Grandfather spirit. When taken in a ceremonial and well-held space, it can reconnect you with your inner trailblazer.

Your journey with this sacred plant and what you gain from it is a very personal experience. Stillness, clarity, remembrance, and courage are some of the themes men report when they journey with "Washuma." 

March 28th: Anchoring in Support.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb,

Our morning sharing circle today has a twist to kick off the support day. Today, you will understand the importance of developing your support team. Courageous leaders understand that their support structures determine their capacity. Today, you'll learn how to install the support needed for your leadership journey. 

What you'll learn:

  • A framework of how to create your inner circle.
  • Your unique definition of Courageous Leadership.
  • How to travel light by letting go of what's not needed.

March 29th: King's Brunch & Closing Circle.

We arise for the final morning together and set off to a secret venue for The King's Brunch. This is our celebration feast before we close our container. 

What you get:

  • Exclusive delux brunch at an undisclosed location. 
  • Facilitated networking so that you anchor in the connections from the retreat.
  • A group-visioning process and an ongoing master-mind framework.

The Space:
A Luxurious Invitation. 

Casa Piegatto is a recently completed lakeside villa created by a Guatemalan designer. Built over three levels, with a modern and cool design, each space in the home is breathtaking.

The fully open social area, open kitchen with bar, dining room surrounded by landscape, wild garden with herbs for your meals. Complete with Piegatto furniture, fireplace, outdoor room, wood oven, infinity pool with waterfall, sunbathing area, terraces for yoga, meditation, reading a book or taking in the scenery!

The villa can easily sleep 10 in the four bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms, including a luxurious outdoor bathtub. 

A large wooden dock is your lake access and space for morning meditation and movement together. The dock also has chairs and loungers, umbrellas, kayaks, and SUP boards, all on a spectacular and quiet bay ideal for swimming.

The property is located on a beautiful private bay in Tzununa. It has direct access to the lake through an ancient rock promontory and road access to the mountains, hiking trails, and San Marcos.


What's Included In Your Retreat Package:


Five Nights At Our Five Star Luxury Lakeside Villa (Shared Room).
All Excursions.
All Workshops & Processes.
Organic Gourmet Meals.
San Pedro Plant Medicine Journey.
Fire Ceremony.
Sport / Board Rentals.
Cacao Ceremony.
Daily Movement Practises / Challenges.
The King's Brunch.
All transportation required around The Lake.

We've intentionally curated this retreat to blend relaxation and luxury with challenge and transformation.
You'll go deep while being well-supported. 


I’m In!

Meet Your Facilitators

Gareth Pickering


I came to Lake Atitlan for the first time in October 2017. From the moment I first saw her, there was something magical about it, and my love affair with Guatemala and this land has deepened every day since.

In 2019, I decided to make San Marcos my home. Having a home again was a big step after 41 countries and six years of endless adventures and full-time travel.

I made an offer on a home, and a few days later, I met my partner, Araminta, who has lived on the lake for 20 years. Life had given me some clear signs that this was where I needed to be.

I live full-time in Guatemala with Araminta, our two cats (Zen and Zola), and a rescue dog called Layla.

I'm grateful every day to live here and be part of this community.

Why I Created The Call To Courage Men's Retreat.

  1. I want to create an experience in which ten courageous men came together around a potent enquiry about life's second mountain.
  2. I want to invite other men to experience the land and lake that support my healing journey so that it can support them, also.
  3. I want to create financial abundance while supporting other heart-led visionaries who are also committed to raising consciousness and enjoying life.
  4. To feel pampered and enjoy luxurious spaces.
  5. To co-create with another heart-led visionary - Brian Jenkins.
  6. I want to share my gifts. So, Meditation, Men's Work, Yoga, Physical and Emotional Awareness, and Shadow Work are all woven into this retreat experience.
  7. To raise awareness and money for on-the-ground projects here at the lake. These projects directly uplift and empower the community on the lake through water sanitation, reforestation, and the creation of community-owned enterprises.
  8. To share the magic and medicine held by others on the lake. Cacao, Fire Ceremony, San Pedro and catering are a co-creation with local lake residents.
  9. I want to share the medicine that I receive weekly from my men's circle at the lake.

I am excited to share what I've learnt and embodied. Our space is breathtaking, and my team and community are behind me.

I'm calling in other heart-led visionaries ready to tackle their life's second mountain and show up in service as we create the new world our hearts know is possible.

If you're on this page and feel a buzz in your system that's both excitement and nervousness, this might be your Call To Courage.

Brian and I will be waiting to welcome you to our lakeside villa on March 24th.

Thanks for checking out this invitation.
Much love.

Brian Jenkins

After earning his MBA in London and relocating to the Canary Islands, Brian met his wife and planned to return to the US to start a family. Only months after the wedding, they received devastating news that they couldn't conceive, shattering their lifelong dream of being parents.

Brian underwent a spiritual journey, questioning his identity and purpose in the process. This experience, initially a blow, became his greatest gift, prompting him to reevaluate his identity and priorities.

This led him to fast for five days in the deserts of Death Valley, piercing his own chest with cactus thorns, a private Ayahuasca ceremony for him and his wife in Costa Rica, breaking down and expanding his understanding of love and intimacy between the masculine and feminine at a men's retreat in Malaga, and leading a virtual men's team with Rising Man since 2020.

Incorporating his experience with his teachings and spiritual journeys, Brian now guides Men to cultivating love from the inside out, fostering healthy relationships and navigating life's challenges with confidence and integrity. Such programs include Intentional Union, which supports couples in re-imaging their union and re-building it on a foundation of authenticity and courage; Man Unshakeable guides men to identifying and living their truth with the feminine NO MATTER WHAT; and Naked Truth is a journey for men and women to connect with their bodies in love, acceptance, gratitude, play and power.

I was compelled to co-create the Call to Courage Retreat for a few powerful reasons:

  1. Expanding Beyond Borders: The decision to create the Call to Courage Retreat in Guatemala stemmed from a realization—I felt constrained by limiting my events to the Canary Islands. Embracing a challenge to confront my fears head-on and elevate my impact led me to establish a powerful space in Guatemala. This move aligns with my deep commitment to serve others at the highest level possible.
  2. Trusting Collaboration: Hosting a gathering of this scale marks a significant milestone in my journey. It nudges me to trust in collaboration and co-creation, especially after the affirmation from Gareth’s podcast: “This is the man to build with!” This venture pushes me to expand my horizons and create a truly transformative experience for Mission-Driven Men.
  3. Personal Growth Journey: Beyond the external impact, this retreat holds profound personal significance. As a Coach and Soul Guide, I cherish the privilege of facilitating growth in others while continuing my own inner work. By immersing myself in Guatemala, I confront and heal the lingering doubts—“Am I enough?” and “Will they accept it (me)?”

This retreat is not just about proving those doubts wrong; it’s about rewriting my internal narrative to resonate with the authentic truths etched in my soul—the same truths we aim to uncover and celebrate together during the retreat!


Messages From Men In Our Network.

Andy Wright

Gareth gave me a viewpoint on life I had not been able to visualize. Lots of aha moments. From personal to professional, he will provide tools and insight to mold it into what you really want and desire. Definitely recommend!

Andy Kloppers

Gareth has a unique style of coaching that enables you to find the answers from within. My time with Gareth was beneficial in many ways, and I really enjoyed the open dialogue we shared.

Liam Miguel

I shared intimate space with Gareth in the inaugural Fathers Sons Brothers circle he co-created. Yearned to delve into Men's work; Gareth's container felt profoundly guiding.

Jeddy Azuma

Brian is a man who's fully committed and invested in the work... he knows what it's like to fully take care of his health and his business, and to lean into his discomfort and his edge.

Blase Griner

Brian helped me get the result I truly desire. Moving me from the man I say I am to the man I want to be.

Erik Range

Brian supported me in navigating my emotions and confidence within my marriage. I feel responsibility for my experience and leading my marriage in a way that I never have before

I’ve Found My Tribe!

Your Courage Uplifts The Local Community In Guatemala.

When we created The Call To Courage retreat, a core desire was to flow energy back to heal the land and uplift the local community. 

Guatemala's beauty and magic aren't free of social and environmental challenges. There are high levels of poverty, malnutrition, pollution, and the destruction of natural resources.


Level Up Your Own Life While Also Supporting Land And Community Initiatives. 

What Awaits You In Guatemala?

A Commitment To Transformation and Unleashing Your True Potential.

  • Clarity and Confidence: Return home with a profound sense of clarity about your life's mission and become a confident leader in your relationships, family, community, and, most importantly, within yourself.
  • Vitality and Vigour: Rediscover the vibrancy of life. Move through your days with a newfound sense of aliveness and vigour. Feel at home and confident in your body and the bedroom.
  • Legacy and Purpose: Stop playing small. Reconnect and live your purpose. Unlock untapped potential. Live in your bigness. Create the legacy you came here to share.
  • Immersive Nature Experience: Connect with the breathtaking beauty of The World's Most Beautiful Lake, a perfect backdrop for introspection and transformation.
  • Tribe of Like-Minded Men: Say yes to a tribe of men with a shared vision. These men will become your allies, friends, and mentors, supporting your journey to self-discovery and growth.
  • Expert-Led Workshops and Processes: Engage in transformative workshops designed to address the core aspects of your life, providing actionable tools for lasting change.
  • Fire Circles and Bonding Rituals: Forge deep connections with your fellow participants through ancient rituals and meaningful conversations under the stars and around the fire.
I have no Doubts. I’m In!


Welcome to the gateway of your transformed life. As you wake up each day, you feel a renewed sense of purpose and unstoppable drive, fuelled by the insights and connections forged during your transformative experience at the Call to Courage retreat. Equipped with actionable strategies and a tribe of allies cheering you on, you fearlessly pursue your mission, turning challenges into stepping stones toward greatness.

You come home to a dynamic and deeply fulfilling marriage and play with your queen, reigniting passion and fostering a bond rooted in shared dreams and unwavering support. Through newfound self-awareness and effective communication skills gained here, you nurture a relationship that thrives on trust, intimacy, and mutual growth.

Living with purpose is your daily reality, as you align your actions with your core values and mission, leaving a lasting legacy of positive impact and meaningful change. Your journey with us is not just about success—it's about living authentically, with boundless passion and profound fulfilment in every aspect of your life.

You have stepped into this transformative experience and unlocked your true potential.


Your sights are locked on your Next Mountain Peak, and you’re f*cking ready.


It's Your Time To Decide.

Will You Take  Your Next Step To Transformation?


Now is the time for you to make your choice.

You have one of two options here:

  1. Follow the courageous voice that wants the best for you and commit.
  2. Do nothing. 

Perhaps you've heard this quote:  "If nothing changes, nothing changes". If you don't make different decisions, you can't create a different reality.

There are no coincidences in life. You're on this page reading this for a reason.  

There are also no wrong choices; there are only different future timelines for you based on your choice.  

This Call To Courage is not just a retreat; it's your personalised journey towards a more fulfilling life. 

It's time to stoke the flame within, guided by experienced, heart-led facilitators who'll help you reconnect to your inner Trailblazer. This retreat is about creating opportunities and experiences for you to connect with ancient wisdom within you, to be bold, to be you. 

Adventure, relaxation, and transformation - all designed with you in mind. You'll leave nothing in the jungle. You will return home with a clear vision for your life, the tools to help you climb your next peak and a team of nine other men who all have your back.


Will you commit to your transformational adventure?


Secure your spot.

We only have eight spaces available for this retreat, so don't miss your chance to start your journey toward a more vibrant and purpose-driven life.

I’m a F*ck Yes!

Your Investment

Most Flexibility


More Time.

  • $500 today +  balance ($2,000) before 14th February 2025.
$500 Deposit

Best Value


Less Hassle + A Bodywork Bonus!

  • $2,500 Today 
    + PLUS
  • FREE MASSAGE Experience the magical hands of one of the lake's best bodyworkers on us!

Tribe members receive additional discounts and benefits.
If you're an FSB Tribe member ready to join us in Guatemala, complete this form to ensure you get the best price.

Still Have Questions?