Pay for training with Crypto

We support alternative forms of exchange.


Presently we accept Bitcoin and Etherium.

Please follow the relevant steps detailed below.

Paying with Bitcoin:

Bitcoin Wallet:



  • Please send the exact amount of USD in BTC to the (Segwit Wallet) address above. You can also scan the QR code to the right.
  • Please ensure that you cover the transaction costs so that we receive the correct amount for your training.
  • Once you've made payment please complete this form letting us know how much you've sent us and the transaction number - and we will grant you access to the content (Max 24-hour wait). 
  • You can use this form if you need any assistance. 


Please only send BTC or Bitcoin token to Bitcoin accounts.  Sending other crypto assets may result in a permanent loss of funds.  We are not responsible if you pay with an incorrect token to our wallet.

Paying with Etherium:

Etherium Wallet:



  • Please send the exact amount of USD in ETH to the (Segwit Wallet) address above. You can also scan the QR code to the right.
  • Please ensure that you cover the transaction costs so that we receive the correct amount for your training.
  • Once you've made payment please complete this form letting us know how much you've sent us and the transaction number - and we will grant you access to the content (Max 24-hour wait). 
  • You can use this form if you need any assistance. 


Please only send ETH or Etherium token to Etherium accounts.  Sending other crypto assets may result in a permanent loss of funds.  We are not responsible if you pay with an incorrect token to our wallet.